Audible Resources

Reasonable Faith

The main outlet for William Lane Craig ministries, a premier apologist, with scholarly writing, general Q&A, audio and video of debates, audio of his Defenders bible study class, etc.

RZIM Ministries

The main outlet for Ravi Zacharias ministries, a premier apologist, with scholarly writing, general Q&A, audio and video of debates and sermonds, etc.

Audio recordings of 1000's of books, with a wide selection of your favorite Christian authors. These are reasonably priced.

Google Play

A paid ($8 month) audio streaming service from Google with an extremely wide selection of Christian and non-Christian music of good quality, compression.

On Being

Over nine years worth of weekly, 1-hour radio programs covering varied topics from a Christian perspecive. Many of today's top theologans and persons of faith are interviewed. Christa Tippett poses thought provoking, grass roots questions to her guests with frank, considered responses. A great way to spend time learning about how God is at work from many angles.